Household Help | How to Clean Your Dishwasher

Surprise surprise, dishwashers don't clean themselves! Let's learn how to renew our magical dishwashing machines. Enjoy!

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You’re Saying My Dishwasher Doesn’t Clean Itself?

Believe it or not, the magic washing machine turning dirty dishes into freshly cleaned food holders does not clean itself. No matter how many soapy cycles you run per day, the dishwasher needs special attention like the youngest sibling. In today’s newsletter we’re going to discuss options to clean your home dishwasher. Enjoy!

Step By Step Dishwasher Cleaning

Step 1: Remove Racks and Scrub

It’s recommended to wear gloves when cleaning a dishwasher because moldy food may be stuck by the drain leaving your hands to deal with a mushy mess. Remove the bottom rack to the dishwasher and check the drain for food debris stuck in or around the drain. Some drains have a cage around them to stop food from getting swallowed up so you may have to unscrew one or two screws to get full access.

If your dishwasher has a filter, remove it and clean it out with warm water and dish soap. If there are moldy, discolored, or other dirty portions of the dishwasher, add some elbow grease and scrub away the gunk.

Step 2: Vinegar Wash

Make sure the dishwasher is completely empty of other dishes and place 1 cup of vinegar in a dishwasher safe container on the top rack. Leave the container upright and run a dishwasher cycle on hot. The vinegar will help remove grease stains and off-putting odors.

Step 3: Baking Soda Wash

After the vinegar wash, you’ll want to follow up with a baking soda wash. Similar to your fridge, the baking soda will absorb the last of the odors. Sprinkle a ½ to 1 cup of baking soda across the bottom of the dishwasher, run another hot-water cycle, and let the machine run its course. At the end of this cycle, your dishwasher should be smell-free and good as new.

Step 4: Repeat Every Couple of Months

Cleaning a dishwasher should be done every couple of months. Add it to your cleaning routine on the first of every other month. Continuously cleaning the machine will help it last longer and stay odor free.

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