Tech Tuesday | Access Millions of 4K Photos and Videos at No Cost

Today we learn about two website that allow users to download 4K photos & videos without worrying about copyright claims or watermarks

James Corden Copyright GIF


Uncopyrighted Photos & No Watermarks

Don’t you hate when you need a photo for a project and everything you find is copyrighted online? Fun fact, most images on search engines are the property of others and you aren’t allowed to use them for your own purposes. From building a website, blog, newsletter, or a simple power point presentation, using uncopyrighted visual media is a must. Today we’re going to review two amazing sources of free images you can use anytime.

Most images online are subject to copyright laws. This is because any work that is deemed “original” forces users to pay a royalty or ask permission prior to posting it. For good reason, copyright laws allow creators to get paid for their work and inhibits others from taking their credit. For the everyday person this can apply when making a presentation, a website, or a simple social media post. If I built a website and used a bunch of MLB logos without the consent of the MLB, my website may be taken down, sued, or the photos would need to be removed. This poses a problem for people who need images but don’t have the ability to take their own.

So, what do you do?

Introducing Royalty-Free Image Websites

For a couple of years, I’ve used two websites that have actually millions of royalty-free photos and videos. This means I can rest easy knowing I can share these images without fearing I’ll deal with a copyright claim. The two websites are as follows:

The images on these websites are always high definition and easily searchable on the main page. For example, if I search “mountains” on pexels, here is a free image I was able to download and use:

Image 1: Mountains photo from

A helpful feature of this newsletter builder I use to publish these newsletters has Unsplash built into the software. A lot of the images I post within each section comes from Unsplash. Although video is not supported within the newsletter, these websites include high quality videos as well. If you need access to 4K photos or videos in your future, consider these websites before downloading the first image that pops up in your Google search.

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