Tech Tuesday | What the Heck is ChatGPT?

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What is ChatGPT and Will it Take Over the World?

The talk of the town these days has been an AI (Artificial Intelligence) product called ChatGPT. This program was created by a company called OpenAI with the goal to reinvent online search engines like Google and Bing. ChatGPT uses AI to create “human-like” responses when given text prompts. I know this sounds a bit like the movie “I, Robot” with Will Smith, but the program still has a long way to go before it enslaves the entire human race. Unless…

Currently ChatGPT has over 180 million users in 185 countries around the world and it has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. It’s impressive ability to respond quickly and accurately to a broad spectrum of prompts has given it the prize of the fastest growing software in human history. Enough of my fanboying and let’s see what it can do. Here are three examples.

ChatGPT’s Capabilities

Prompt 1: Create a 5 day a week workout plan for a beginner at the gym using weight training and cardio exercises.

Image 1: Example of a workout plan from ChatGPT

Prompt 2: Write an introduction letter for a college student looking to apply to a prestigious university for Med School

Image 2: Example of an admission letter to a university from a college student

Prompt 3: What is a Summary of World War 2

Image 3: Asking ChatGPT to make a summary of World War II

Keep in mind that the program created these responses in seconds. The human like feel to the text is not only impressive, but also incredibly effective to use in your life. When stuck writing a letter, resume, workout plan, or searching a general topic, ChatGPT is slowly becoming the go to for text-based research and responses.

How Can I Use ChatGPT?

As of writing this article ChatGPT 3.5 is free to use and access. You no longer need a login to use the software. Simply go to ChatGPT ( and you can start using the program. Think of it as another search engine by asking questions, looking for information, or doing research. Be specific in your prompts as computers will take your answers literally.

There is a paid version of ChatGPT which gives you access to “real time” information along with the ability to test out new features. The paid version also gives you access to DALL-E which is a text to image program. A simple written text prompt will generate an image in seconds.

Here is an example of an AI generated image: Prompt “Draw a realistic duck in a pond on a summer day

Image 4: Duck image from AI

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